"The Shape of Things to Come"
Look most of the stuff against Hillary is the contrived bullshit the far right has been slinging on her for decades. She's done no worse than every other politician out there...actually less. Yeah she takes big money from the who's who of enemies of the people...but who don't.
Besides Bernie, and we see where that got him. The fix was in from day one. That's politics. That's really all I'm saying.
It's just politics.
No outsider is ever getting anywhere till there's an actual revolution...and that ain't happening in the lifetimes of anyone alive now. Bernie's revolution will fade away like Occupy did, and soon be the butt of jokes then forgotten.
There will be very slow reforms.
Just enough to keep the mob home eating pizza, and playing computer games, and getting stoned, and drunk. Just enough to make it look like the middle class is sort of getting a break...but not really.
Maybe one or two big things like student debt reduction or even forgiveness. That, and perhaps some infrastructure repairs, and public works to spread some jobs around for a few years,...then end.
Yeah that may happen..or not.
However it's business as usual till it gets so bad there's a violent insurgency. This because of poisoned water tables poor harvests from climate change failed medical infrastructure local grossly corrupt ineffective authorities, and basic abandonment by the central government.
This country becomes a western version of Iraq via asymmetrical warfare. The rich elites, and their armies against assorted crazed right, and left militias of the dispossessed, and non-aligned violent maniacs that'll kill anything moving like in Syria.
This is what the rest of the 21st, and early 22nd century will likely be in this country.
Have a nice day.
Stay tuned.
"...And Another Thing!"
I am not prepared to wait, again, and again, and again, and again. I started this wait when I was in the old anti-war movement as a teen in the 1960's.
I'm damned near 66.
Now I'm supposed to wait till 2020?!!
Bleep that.
Clearly we are getting this thing horribly wrong. Think about that. As for me I'm long finished with this nonsense. You can go ahead, and play their games for the next few centuries if ya like.
Me I'm going back to bed.
"After the Revolution"
There should be trials one day. For destroying what was once the largest Middle-Class in the world by shipping jobs overseas. Still others for starting unnecessary wars. Allowing toxic wastes to poison the water tables of whole States. For deliberately maintaining systems of discrimination, and economic inequality.
On, and on...
The crimes are many the criminals are many. The temptation to just hang or shoot them is great. However spilling blood just keeps the same deadly game going.
So some form of the "Truth, and Reconciliation" model must be used. Let all the truth out. Have them that caused war torture stole the futures of whole generations face their victims, and explain how, and why they did it.
Most will never repent, but on international media they would have confessed all they did. After this, and an entertaining "Perp Walk" they will be released given their pensions, and sent home to live out their lives as known civil, and war criminals.
Stay Tuned.
Yeah tell me something I don't know. I was speaking to a comrade on the phone...I don't get out much. Anyway we was yacking away about the end of the world, and all. When we realized what we was doing.
Yacking about the end of the damned world...again.
That's all older folks seem to talk about. The youngsters only talk about whose fucking who where's the party at, and who can get us some good drugs.
We talk about the end because we remember when things were a zillion times better, and the kids haven't a clue, and don't care. Fine fuck'em. They, and their babies will drown starve or get beheaded in the coming "Chaos" anyway.
We if we're lucky we'll just miss it.
I'd say the 2030's onward will be a very bad time not to be in a high ground secure community of armed fortified well stocked bunkers, and tunnels.
Till then us old timers will talk about the good old days of cheap gas bar-b-ques cars with big ass fins on 'em free love moon landings be-in's, and integration. Them damned useless kids have no idea what they missed by not being around, and young at the height of the Empire.
Hey we commie beatnik perverts gave at the office. We fought all our crappy lives to try to make this a good, and cool world, but the damned thing blew up in our faces...so fuck it.
The only reason I might want to be around a little longer is to see how these brain dead millennials deal with the shit-storm that's gonna hit them full bore in a few years.
You must have read the bit in the NY Times how all the shit we thought was 100 years away is only a few years off instead. Ha! Like when I read in the late 1990's that the East River would be at the front steps of my work place on Wall Street in 100 years.
It was 12 years.
"Sandy" ring a bell. More than the river at the front steps...try second floor! Yeah looks like the party is starting sooner than expected...aw well.
Well back to my "Dr. Who" Blu-rays, and frozen cheese cake. This shit ain't our problem anymore. That's what me, and my pal on the phone came to.
We deluded beatnik hippie progressives or whatever did our bit.
We did our fucking ass bit into our old bleeping age.
They ignored us made us a joke put us in prison shot us, and co-opted our ideas to make really bad movies weird hats, and awful music. Fine...drown, and starve. However never forget...we warned you.
"We told You So!"
I just wanna hang around long enuff to say that to the jerks...then drop dead. Leaving them to survive the Tribulation...which they could have avoided.
Stay tuned.
I guess we've all felt this way for years. It just I'm such a sucker for hope. 'Comes from when I grew up I guess.
Hope actually meant something back then. It wasn't just a catch word for shaking down votes from the sweaty rubes.
The "Big Shit" is upon us, and we know it. Planetary Climate Change is the biggest issue facing humanity, and we pretend it's not. For the very short term we can still get away with that. ...at least in the west.
Later it's gonna be Hell on Burning Skates.
When the trucks stop delivering food to the markets, and mall food courts when the power is rationed...as it is already in some countries when you need an internal passport just to go to another city when the water tap in your kitchen is either dry or gushing sludge...the folks will come out of their comas.
The Earth will abide.
So in fact will some portion of our species. However under profoundly different circumstances. Like I said before...save what you can of our time save the best. The future will find it one day, and will need it.
I would have actual Hope if we were actually doing something other than just figuring out how to make money out of coastal cities around the world slowly being drowned by the rising oceans.
Btw some companies, and think tanks are doing just that.
I never ranted exactly about it, but Sandy, and Katrina left quiet scars on us. It told us the shit was coming. 'But instead of preparing we're in mass denial.
We fighting tooth, and nail over who can use the shit house. That instead of planning new ways of growing crops, and building infrastructure to deal with a new Biblical flood.
The building I once worked at in lower Manhattan was 20 feet...you hear that!!!! "20 Feet!!!" under water during Sandy.
The traffic lights, and street lamps were underwater.
The trees, and plants in the park outside the building later died from the salt. The City quickly replaced everything...new soil new trees, and decorative plants
You'd never know it ever happened.
Which is how the system wants it to be. Forget eat fuck get high work fight over shit houses vote for the system's choices.
Everything is fine, and shut up.