"Merry Fuckmas!" Dear Comrades at this festive time of year I feel nothing, but the most extreme, and profound Hatred for my fellow stupid ignorant selfish Bi-peds...the Human ones especially.
"If I had my way I'd shove a stake Holly into everyone with Merry Christmas on their lips, and boil them in their own pudding."
I paraphrase dear Saint Scrooge above.
I just had a series of dreams of the most awful, and terrifying sort. All based on our culture's years long love of Zombies, and Invading Space Aliens. There's internal payback for that sick shit.
I leave the details to your imaginations since you're involved in that static too. Thing is it's all mixed with my hatred for this Festive Season which is g-dless soulless, and driven by the culture of fucking you out of as much cash as possible for crap you don't want, and presents for people you really don't like.
Top it off with the fact that we just elected a Resident put in office by the Russian government the connivance of the news media, and millions upon million of just regular folks, and their Klan, and Nazi relatives.
Btw 30% of Hispanics voted for this Fuck Face.
The Bleeping Stockholm Syndrome writ large. This proves if anymore evidence were needed that the Masses deserve everything that happens to them. Fucking Nazi morons.
Wish I were bleeping filthy rich I'd fire my staff on Christmas eve just to show them who's really running things. I think I'd make a really good evil plutocrat.
Yeah that's a persona that I could sink my teeth into!
Like that evil Walton.. "We own Walmart, and deliberately paybelow a living wage because we can,...hahahahahah!'...family the richest in this benighted Failing State.
Yeah I could do that. If any feelings of kindness or compassion should occur to me. I'd just evict a few hundred people till such foolish notions passed. I believe the real rich do exactly this.
Where was I...right my evil other side...which we all have so shove your judgement up your ass.
Oh, but Kindly Uncle Sidney how could you?!
Fucking easy...look out your window most of you. Like what you see? Do you? If you do you're either fucking lucky as shit or rich. If you're upper middle class enjoy the view while you can because you're gonna lose it real soon.
Oh have I gone on about how Black people are committing mass suicide in the inner cities. Being a long time Negro I've seen this madness first hand. We don't need any fucking Klan or Nazi's to do the job.
We're excellent Self Executioners.
About 3000 so far in Chicago this year. More than the casualties in the first three years of the Vietnam War. More than in our last War. This tells me that we are seriously fucked up insane stupid a mistake of nature, and assorted other shit that would get me called self-hating for telling the Evil Cruel Truth.
I didn't add in the number from the rest of the country...might be in the area of 8k to 10,000. Not counting the wounded, and traumatized.
Yeah, and the whole country takes this horror as normal.
Trump was the only public figure in many years to say anything about this btw. My old pal Hillary didn't say shit about...never has. He told us to support him...he'd try to fix this murderous nightmare.
He said...
He said...
"What have you got to Lose." ...yeah Indeed.
He pointed out that all this evil mayhem, and cruel neglect happened on the Democratic Party's watch...year after year. Decade after decade. The Maniac made a point since a few million Black men voted for him.
With that seriously profound irony of this election cycle good night.
Oh, and let me know when da "Rebolution" comes as my commie pals say. I look forward to being on the Central Committee, and signing piles of Death Warrants. The more Entertaining the Fucking Better!!
Oh, and let me know when da "Rebolution" comes as my commie pals say. I look forward to being on the Central Committee, and signing piles of Death Warrants. The more Entertaining the Fucking Better!!
Stay Tuned.
December 7, 2016
December 7, 2016
"Day in the Life"
Well as daze go this was productive. I mean as compared to most others when I mostly cower under my kitchen sink. That or bricking up my windows against Nazi's breaking in, and taking my hidden Chocolate stash. 'Or I'm busy scribbling in crayon the details of that new religion I'm starting.
No today I did what I had to do.
I paid my rent mailed in my lease renewal so I'll have a place to live. Took care of my utility bills went to the supermarket, and gave a guy a few bucks so he could get something to eat. Which he did as I saw him go into the Chinese take out as opposed to the drug dealer across the street.
All the necessaries plus a good deed.
Now what? See this is the problem with life. Ya do your responsibilities then you have 95% of the rest of the day to fill up. At least if your retired anyway. One thing later is to measure myself for my new uniform. So I bought a tape measure. Got into this weird theological thing with the proprietor of the shop.
He laid all this Jehovah's Witness paperwork on me...always smile, and nod when this happens. I decided not to tell him about my new religion based on dope sex, and comic books.
Well he was a nice guy, and meant well...I also didn't tell'em I was Queer. Them "Witness" guys support death for fags, and such. Btw as I mentioned somewhere I'm always nice to the assorted religious nuts I bump into. I see them as all having the "Shine".
'Been touched by the Higher Realms, and all.
Sure they're going on about this Gawd or that maybe their dog told them shit who knows, but still they go touched, and went bleeping nuts. The more educated that get touched become theologians or deranged artists. Guys like Pollack Dali Ginsberg, and Walt Whitman.
I know I was "Touched".
Been seeing bleep in time, and space hearing stuff wild dreams alien abductions the whole deal. I remember I was maybe 8, and I was captured by the Sky. I was sitting on the ground in the school yard, and staring at the wonder of the late October sky...didn't notice all the kids had gone in.
Sister Jane had to come out, and get me. The principle thought I was disturbed, and told my Mom I might need help. Mom told her to bleep off, and quit beating me, and all the other kids so much.
So began my life as an "Urban Shaman"...sort of.
Those that used to listen to my radio programs know what I mean. Which is why I'm thinking of setting up a new, and mostly harmless religion. That or just doing a performance of my idea for a store-front temple.
"Uncle Sydney's First Church of Amazing Bewilderment"
The more I think about it the more I may do this thing. Oh yeah about being cool with all the religious nutters on the street.
There's a bunch of "Witness" folks stationed near the subway I use. I always smile, and nod...take their stuff when offered too. I'm sincere. Sure they'd burn me at the stake...so what. It's nice to be nice. I even asked them to pray for me when I was going nuts...more than usual a while back.
They did.
Wow how neat is that. Anyway later...did I mention this. Anyway with that tape measure I got from the "Witness" guy at his shop. I'm going to measure myself for me new uniform. Now I just wear the one I've used for the last 50 years or so...jeans t-shirt sneakers cap hoodie.
It's what I always wanted.
Anyway such is just another day in the life.
Stay tuned.
"Life, and Times"
These are from my notes written during my year of being "Houseless".
"Life, and Times"
These are from my notes written during my year of being "Houseless".
"Time passes strangely. A minute is a year a week a second."
"My previous life has become an echo of an echo."
"I wander the frontier of an unknown country".
I had once planned to do a one person play about my time of living outside. My Houseless year of near a decade ago. My going out into the streets alcoves, and parks.
However after I got back in. In a secure home behind my own door with my own key. I found I just wanted to forget it. All of it. Who would want to pay money, and sit through such a thing...I sure wouldn't. Not just then at least.
I needed time.
Just as survivors of war need time. In fact when my brother found out ,...I told no one what had happened. After hearing of my experiences my brother John a decorated soldier told me that I was a "Veteran" now.
In that I'd spent a year in constant danger of losing my life or sanity as he had.
This past decade has been more than interesting for me. So many great lessons learned. The Houseless year. The forced retirement from my career. My Great Famine of 2016. The loss of family, and so many friends.
Much lost, but so much more gained.
Much lost, but so much more gained.
A play a book or just an essay.
I will soon do one of the above about my life, and times.
Stay tuned.
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