Monday, January 9, 2017


I just read of a man who was celebrating the repeal of Obamacare.

This person is on ACA...the Affordable care Act.

He apparently didn't realize that Obamacare, and the ACA are the same thing. Which is what the republican wanted him to think. this is why they made up the name "Obama Care". Knowing that their base would only see the name "Obama", and froth at the mouth.

Well trying to put the best face on it. Americans as a people are not encouraged to know much. G-d family sports guns,...and perhaps NASCAR seems more than enough. It would be too if we were not a world encompassing Empire in all except name.

Being such demands an informed, and more than merely literate populace. Which we on the whole don't have.

This poor man being an excellent example of the average American regardless of class or race. We are taught just enough to do simple jobs, and to not get run over by trucks.

Now if I were to put the face on it this deserves. I'd say this knuckle head is getting exactly what he deserves by once again voting against his own interest through ignorance. An ignorance he, and tens of millions like him wallow in like pigs in fresh shit.

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