Saturday, December 17, 2016


Not too jolly this Xmas. Everything from the ongoing genocides in the world to the horrific election in this country to the various crimes against the people happening everywhere. From the ongoing acts of violence, and ugly intimidation by Trump supporters to the constant shooting of unarmed black men by the police.

Even the taking of blankets from the homeless by police in Denver in freezing temperatures.

Cruelty, and actual evil seems loose upon the whole world.

More so than usual.

At this point one usually reads some uplifting whooie about coming together or some such. Well that ain't gonna do it...not even close. The shit is just too big this time for that.

The last time it got even nearly this bad we called it World War Two. It took the armed might of half the world, and years of desperate fighting to stop the evil then.

This time, tell me. I'm dying to know.

Stay Tuned.


Americans are semi-educated superstitious delusional racist self-centered greedy spawn of Satan scumbags...mostly. They wouldn't share a glass of water with a person dying of thirst...especially if that person weren't white. May gawd curse them to their furthest generation, and may scorpions feast on their rotting carcasses.

(...yeah that's right Uncle Syd is disgusted fed up, and angry. You want to help me or anyone?! Tell your fucking homophobic misogynist racist relatives to stop voting for Nazi's....that might help.)

And another g-ddamned fucking thing. The rest of you fucking let's be nice to the Wogs progressives can go to fucking hell too! The usual suspects don't want or need your useless, oh so easy for you, your fucking good will. You can shove it up your ass along with your Nazi relatives.

I think this sums it all up.



                                                    "The People Have Spoken"


Okay this is just my weariness speaking so take it with a dash of meth.

However.....As an heir of the Ginsberg Whitman Burroughs portion of Queerdom. My tribe feels expelled vilified, and forgotten. Replaced as if we never were by assorted assimilated "Stroller Pushers", and the "Were just like you" generations.

( My children we are 'not' like them. Not remotely.)

I fear our "assimilated" brethren will now find that they're 'still' just "Faggots" after all. As those already assaulted, and bloodied on the streets now know.

I personally did fear this reality would come for some years. Just as the assimilated Jews of Germany or the assimilated Muslims of the former Yugoslavia found to their horror that they were not in fact safe...never were.

The forces that wanted their blood was just patiently waiting for their time to act.

G-d save the United States of America.

Stay Tuned.


When the time for the round-up of Immigrants comes we have to be ready to protect them. Which means we need to plan how now. When it starts, and in some form it will. We need to have a plan in place.

In Europe good people mostly waited too long to save the Jews, and others marked to death.

We shouldn't wait for the expulsions to be underway before we act....I am not brave I am no activist. However I am a Queer. An American too...mostly. Also a comic book reading anarchist lay about senior citizen angel/fairy picture drawing "Dr. Who" fan.

Even with all that I know there needs to be a plan in place or our sisters, and bothers are fucked. That bastard Trump repeatedly made a promise to his hoards of drooling goat fuckers to grab up 11 million people.

How he plans to pull that off I can't imagine.

Anyway he better at least try to keep his promise. That or he's going to end up like that maniac Gaddafi. Basically chased into a sewer by a gang of booze, and methed up good 'ol boys who'll cut his nuts off paint him blue then crucify him on a 7-11 sign.

So given that entertaining Door #3 the evil fucker is for sure going to try.

So we need to be ready.


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